Joanna Filipek

What enraptures me in yoga is the essence of it – integration of mind, spirit and body. It astonishes me again and again, inspiring me to work on my imperfections, on and off the mat.“

Joanna is Certified Iyengar Yoga teacher certified at level Intermediate Junior I.
In 2010 Joanna started her teacher training and after 3 years of study she passed assessment to teach at Introductory II level. After another 2 years of study and another assessment in 2015 she is now certified to teach at Iyengar Yoga Level II .
She found Iyengar yoga in 2007. Attracted by intensity, precision and deep effects of the method she started regular and intensive practice. Joanna studied with senior Iyengar yoga teachers in Europe and since 2012 regularly visits RIMYI in Pune to study with Iyengar family. After coming to Seattle in 2016 she continues to study with advanced teachers Lois Steinberg, Dean and Rebecca Lerner, Patricia Walden and Mary Railly.

Joanna has been teaching yoga in Wroclaw, Poland and after moving to Seattle in 2016 she picked up her teaching practice on Pacific coast. Her teaching objective is to share the integrity and the joy of yoga practice with her students. She likes to play with asanas deepening the intensity of practice, while also making them accessible to everyone.
“I’m deeply grateful to all my teachers for patient leading me on the path of yoga, for fervor and dedication to their practice, inspiring me to work on my own imperfections, on and off the mat.
Except of yoga and her family, Joanna’s other love is literature. Being a regular bookworm, she shares this passion with her kids and enjoys the book-talk with her friends.
Joanna’s favorite pose: Mahamudra